This project extends analysis from SRDC’s previous study of the Impact of Lowering Non-financial Barriers on Access to Post-secondary Education (Life After High School) in British Columbia. The intervention tested a sequence of three workshops delivered to high schools’ Grade 12 students intended to encourage the students to apply for post-secondary education and related student financial aid. A total of 50 BC high schools with low rates of students entering post-secondary education are involved. Impacts on students’ enrolment and persistence in post-secondary education, use of student financial aid and program choices are investigated across key subgroups defined by Aboriginal status, gender and high school achievement.
Published: January 2016
Capability: Experimentation - Behavioural Economics
Policy Area: Post-Secondary Education - Access and Persistence - Student Financial Aid, P-12 Education - Specialized Services and Programs - Academic Engagement, Financial Literacy
Population: Students - Youth