The BC Centre for Employment Excellence received a grant from the Vancouver Foundation to conduct a feasibility study of the Ontario Community Employment Loan Program (CELP). In 2006, Social Capital Partners introduced CELP, a social finance instrument, aimed at facilitating access to subordinated debt financing to the private sector – small business owners and franchisees – who agree to hire individuals with disadvantages in the labour market.
The program was designed to achieve twin objectives:
1) borrowers received beneficial financing terms and free services from CELP to find pre-screened job candidates; and
2) job seekers supported by community agencies had opportunities for real employment.
The Centre conducted the study in collaboration with Vancity Community Foundation and MSDSI Accessibility Secretariat to gain a better understanding of CELP that is currently underway in Ontario to support a discussion among the study partners to establish its potential for implementation in BC.
Published: January 2017
Capability: Policy Research
Policy Area: Employment - Labour Market Integration of Persons with Disabilities, Social Finance
Population: People with Disabilities
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