Authors:Reuben FordOlufunmilola (Kemi) OdegbileJenilee Forgie
This is a project intended to research and consolidate information about best practices to empower youth from lower-income families to be active participants in their own preparation for postsecondary education. SRDC is undertaking an international literature review of best practices for youth empowerment approaches and a Pan-Canadian environmental scan of existing community programs, services and supports. As one product, SRDC is generating an inventory of current interventions for PSE preparedness for youth from low-income families, including interventions that address non-financial barriers to PSE.
Published: April 2022
Capability: Policy Research
Policy Area: Career Development and LMI, Post-Secondary Education - Access and Persistence - Student Financial Aid, Youth Development and Inclusion, Specialized Services and Programs
Population: Low-income Populations - Students - Youth
Type: Final report, Synthesis Report