Canadian Employment Connections: Connecting Canada (CECCC) - SRDC

Canadian Employment Connections: Connecting Canada (CECCC)

CECCC tests the feasibility of increasing settlement in smaller urban and rural (SUR) communities through employer engagement, complementing targeted immigration streams. Specifically, the project tests whether connecting pre-arrival newcomers with employers in SUR communities contributes to higher rates of newcomers’ settlement in non-traditional landing communities.

This project builds on pre-existing pre-arrival services at ACCES Employment. The core services that participants engage in during pre-existing pre-arrival services are supplemented through additional direct services grouped into three components: information sessions, networking opportunities with professionals and employers in SUR communities, and targeted hiring events involving employers in SUR communities. Pre-arrival newcomers will benefit from having a more diverse pool of landing opportunities, and employers in SUR communities will benefit from accessing a wider pool of skilled talent.

Knowledge from this project will directly benefit both policy makers and researchers in understanding initial landing decisions and onward migration. SRDC is the learning and evaluation partner on this project.

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