The project is a developmental evaluation that examines and provides regular feedback to the client on the development and implementation of the new Job Entry Manitoba (JEM) program, a key component of Manitoba’s new training-to-employment service support continuum. The project also identifies key immediate outcomes and measurement approaches to support the building of a data collection system and tools.
The evaluation addresses standard implementation questions such as how does the JEM model work in practice? It also aims to systematically understand how the implementation of JEM influences provider practices in both intended and unintended ways. More fundamentally, it assesses how JEM has impacted providers’ sense of professional efficacy by exploring the extent to which providers feel that the new model enables them to better meet the needs of their target population.
Published: December 2013
Capability: Program Evaluation/ Performance Measurement
Policy Area: Adult Learning - Adult Training, Employment - Employment Supports and Services
Population: Newcomers - People with Disabilities - Social Assistance Recipients - Students - Youth - EI Recipients