Impact of COVID-19 on the Health Research Ecosystem - SRDC

Impact of COVID-19 on the Health Research Ecosystem

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced significant and rapid change in the way health research is conducted and how research-funding organizations function. In some cases, innovation has been accelerated, but in other cases, there have been significant negative impacts, including loss of revenue, cancelled projects, and decreases in overall productivity. Yet the pandemic is also an opportunity to transform the health research ecosystem and identify opportunities for collective impact.

In that vein, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) will collaborate with the National Alliance of Provincial Health Research organizations (NAPHRO) and the Health Charities Coalition of Canada (HCCC) to address remaining and emerging needs of the health research community and broader ecosystem related to the pandemic response and recovery.

SRDC will support this effort, using information from interviews with experts and a synthesis of the best available evidence to produce a summary of key pandemic impacts to date, tangible opportunities for collaboration and collective impact, key considerations, risks, and risk mitigation strategies. Considerations related to CIHR’s role and activities focused on pandemic preparedness and health emergencies research will also be provided.

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