The Association canadienne d’éducation des adultes des universités de langue française (ACDEAULF) and the Commission des partenaires du marché du travail have hired SRDC to produce a portrait of continuing education at the university level in Quebec and in Canada’s Francophone universities. The project aims to update knowledge on the interventions of university members involved in adult education, and to identify mechanisms for increasing the contribution of universities to workforce skills development, business productivity, and the promotion of a culture of continuing education in Quebec and elsewhere. The project will serve to clarify the identity of the players involved in university continuing education, their modes of operation, their governance, their financing, their collaborators, their clienteles, and the volume and nature of their activities. The results of this project will complete and refine the vision of the public continuing education ecosystem, by harmonizing the training offer with the skills of the workforce and the needs of the job market, thanks to increased concertation between universities and other stakeholders.
Capability: Survey Design and Data Management - Policy Research - Strategic Program Review - Strengthening Capacity
Policy Area: Adult Learning, Career Development and LMI, Post-Secondary Education
Population: General Population - Students