Evaluation Support for the Eating Disorders – Promotion, Prevention & Early Intervention (ED-PPEI) Model - SRDC

Evaluation Support for the Eating Disorders – Promotion, Prevention & Early Intervention (ED-PPEI) Model

Eating disorders can be extremely debilitating, yet symptoms often go undiagnosed until the point of medical or psychiatric crisis. While there is a network of treatment services in Ontario funded by the Ministry of Health, these are designed to serve those with the most severe conditions, and to date, prevention programming has been virtually non-existent. The exception to this has been CIHR-funded intervention research trials led by Dr. Gail McVey in partnership with Ontario public health practitioners.

The ED-PPEI model is designed to build capacity across the province for delivery of effective health promotion, prevention, and early intervention programs that address eating disorders and their risk and protective factors. Led by Dr. Gail McVey, the Ontario Community Outreach Program for Eating Disorders at the University Health Network in Toronto is leading an initiative to implement and scale evidence-based training models and programs in all regions of Ontario, beginning with five regional lead sites that are contributing to the provincial build of the framework and implementation plan. SRDC has been engaged to support the provincial build by working with pilot communities to identify their needs and capacities with respect to such programming. Using a developmental evaluation approach, SRDC will also document the successes and lessons learned from the build process, to inform further systems development and performance measurement.

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