The Government of Quebec’s Health Prevention Policy (PGPS) aims to prevent and reduce preventable diseases as well as health inequalities in Quebec. Bringing together more than 15 departments and agencies, the PGPS outlines four action areas, including the development of healthy and safe environments and intersectoral governance. Measure 2.2 aims to encourage and support local actions that help maintain and improve quality of life in neighborhoods and communities. This measure rallies the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MSSS), the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing as well as the organization M361 in support with the national and regional coordination of the Regional intersectoral tables on healthy lifestyles (TIR-SHV). The TIR-SHV’s mandate is to network and mobilize actors working to promote healthy lifestyles, and are present across the 17 regions of Quebec. SRDC has been hired to assess some of the processes and benefits of this measure, including assessing the added value and benefits of the work of the TIR-SHVs and coordination of their network.
Published: June 2021
Capability: Program Evaluation/ Performance Measurement
Policy Area: Health - Population Health
Population: General Population