Evaluation of the Child and Youth Diabetes Strategy - SRDC

Evaluation of the Child and Youth Diabetes Strategy

In the 16 years since it first launched the Diabetes Strategy, the Lawson Foundation has granted $13 million for applied diabetes research and a broad range of community-based projects that translate knowledge into clinical practice and community programs. In 2016, the Foundation launched its new targeted focus on the challenges faced by children, youth, and their families with or at risk for diabetes and its complications. SRDC has been engaged by the Lawson Foundation to examine how the new Child and Youth Diabetes Strategy can enhance its impact on the prevention and management of diabetes in Canada.

We will also look at how the Foundation’s cohort approach to supporting grantees adds value to projects and supports them in furthering the Strategy’s goals. SRDC’s evaluation will take a developmental approach, in which staff of both organizations will work collaboratively to assess ways the Foundation can enhance delivery of the Strategy and its impact.

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