After the Bell and Food Explorers – Program Evaluation Frameworks - SRDC

After the Bell and Food Explorers – Program Evaluation Frameworks

Food Banks Canada delivers two programs aimed at reducing childhood food insecurity and increasing food literacy (food knowledge, attitudes, and skills) – After the Bell and Food Explorers. Food Banks Canada is planning to increase the scale of its child hunger programs, and understanding how best to measure the influence of these programs on children and families accessing food banks is an important step to exploring how increasing the scale of their delivery may improve food security and literacy across Canadians at risk of food insecurity. SRDC is working with Food Banks Canada to synthesize current evaluation practices for these programs, as well as current trends and best practices for evaluating programs delivered within organizations with a similar socially driven vision and mandate. The ultimate goal of this project is to develop an evaluation framework that Food Banks Canada will use to track outputs and outcomes of child hunger initiatives within its network, and to report to donors about Food Banks Canada child hunger programs.

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