The main goal of the project is to gain a better understanding of how sweet beverages are marketed to target young Canadians so that it is easier to take concrete actions in the future to make environments more conducive to healthy lifestyle habits. To accomplish this, the project incorporates three main thrusts:
1) provide a comprehensive picture of the sweet beverage market in Canada and existing marketing strategies targeting young people;
2) adapt the Gobes-tu ça? project developed by Réseau du sport étudiant du Québec for young Francophones age 13 to 17 in Alberta and, if funding is extended beyond this period, identify other potential sponsors for the Gobes-tu ça? project elsewhere in the country; and
3) disseminate and use our study of the sweet beverage market and adapt this knowledge transfer tool accordingly.
Published: October 2012
Capability: Program Evaluation/ Performance Measurement
Policy Area: Health - Population Health
Population: Youth