Authors:Lily KaufmannChloe HalpennyLauren Brooks-CleatorBoris PalametaSonya HowardNoémie Auclair-Ouellet
This evidence brief was drafted to support program innovations or adaptations as part of the WOMEN FIRST project, funded through Employment and Skill Development Canada’s (ESDC) Women’s Employment Readiness pilot program. It may also be more broadly useful for organizations, training developers, and practitioners working in the employment and skills training sector seeking to employ an equity-driven approach to their delivery of wraparound supports. Beginning with an overview of wraparound supports and practical exemplars, the brief follows by outlining a series of considerations and approaches that may support the design and implementation of wraparound supports in employment and skills training. Throughout the document, an intersectional lens is adopted to examine key issues to consider when planning and delivering supports to populations facing multiple and complex barriers.
Published: March 2023
Capability: Strengthening Capacity - Survey Design and Data Management - Program Evaluation/ Performance Measurement - Strategic Program Review - Collective Impact Evaluation
Policy Area: Adult Learning - Adult Training - Workplace Training - Literacy and Essential Skills, Community Capacity, Employment - Workplace Diversity and Inclusion - Employment Supports and Services - Employment Programs
Population: Indigenous Peoples - 2SLGBTQ+ People - Low-income Populations - Newcomers - People with Disabilities - Racialized Canadians - Women
Type: Brief, Report