Over the past four years, the Future Skills Centre (FSC) has supported the development, refinement, or expansion of approaches to developing skills for workers from a variety of backgrounds and in a variety of sectors. These innovation projects are required to mobilize knowledge and evidence among key stakeholders, institutions and decision-makers for the purposes of improving policies and practices in Canada. SRDC is developing a mix of retrospective and prospective evaluation approaches for a subset of up to 18 of these projects, dependent on the timelines and stage of development of each project. These involve quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis using document and data review, interviews with project partners and their FSC liaisons, implementation evaluation, and theory of change or logic model development. SRDC’s learning and evaluation framework is designed to capture what has been learned from these projects for the future development of the skills ecosystem in Canada.
Published: September 2023
Capability: Program Evaluation/ Performance Measurement - Knowledge Mobilization/ Workshop Facilitation - Strengthening Capacity
Policy Area: Adult Learning - Adult Training - Workplace Training, Employment - Workplace Diversity and Inclusion - Labour Market Integration of Persons with Disabilities - Employment Supports and Services, Youth Development and Inclusion
Population: General Population - Low-skilled Workers - Newcomers - Racialized Canadians - Women - Youth