In April of 2024, the BC Ministry of Municipal Affairs (MUNI) launched two new programs to support primarily temporary residents of BC that do not have access to Federal settlement programming: the BC Newcomer Services Program (BCNSP) and the BC Services and Assistance for Humanitarian and Vulnerable Newcomers (SAF HAVN) program. The Ministry would like to capture data that will demonstrate accountability and measure whether services are achieving the desired program goals and objectives. In addition, this data will inform the continuous improvement of these programs over the 3-5 years these contracts are in place and inform future planning. SRDC has been contracted to support MUNI in further defining and refining the outcomes and measures, and, developing qualitative and longer-term indicators. SRDC will engage with service provider organizations (SPOs) delivering the two programs to ensure the outcomes, indicators, and collection suggestions/requirements meet the on-the-ground reality and are reflective of the complexity of services delivered.
Capability: Program Evaluation/ Performance Measurement
Policy Area: Immigration and Settlement
Population: Newcomers