The Foundations Workplace Skills Project (FWSP), a three-year initiative led by the Training Group at Douglas College, British Columbia, is the first study to use a randomized control trial design to evaluate the impacts of a Literacy & Essential Skill (LES) based program model targeted specifically to meet the needs of unemployed job seekers.
The first two reports describe the implementation of the FWSP program model across three sites nationally. It summarizes the program’s short-term (12-week) impacts on participant career adaptability and Essential Skill gains. A subsequent report1 describes longer-term (12-month) program impacts on a variety of outcomes, including participation in further training and labour market advancement.
Published: October 2017
Capability: Experimentation
Policy Area: Adult Learning - Adult Training - Literacy and Essential Skills, Career Development and LMI, Employment - Employment Supports and Services, Newcomers Labour Market Integration
Population: Low-skilled Workers
Type: Report