Formative Evaluation of the BC Support Unit - SRDC

Formative Evaluation of the BC Support Unit

The BC SUPPORT (Support for People and Patient-Oriented Research and Trials) Unit is a multi-partner organization created to support, streamline, and increase patient-oriented research throughout BC. Patient-oriented research is defined as research that engages patients as partners and focuses on patient-identified priorities with the goals of improving patient experiences, health outcomes, and the health system. BC’s Unit is one of 11 established across the country as part of Canada’s Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research led by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. SRDC is undertaking a formative evaluation of the BC SUPPORT Unit activities to date to identify lessons learned during the initial development stage. Focus areas include: relationship development across the BC health research sector; engagement and involvement of stakeholder groups in Unit activities; awareness and understanding of patient-oriented research across the province; similarities and differences in Unit implementation across components (e.g., regional centres, methods clusters); and progress towards meeting Unit goals and objectives. SRDC’s evaluation gathers information from activities across the Unit including methods clusters, regional centres, demonstration projects, operational working groups, and funding partner activity reports.

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