Employment and skills training programming and services in Canada are supported and delivered by both federal and provincial/territorial governments. The federal government provides funding to provinces and territories through four major bilateral transfer agreements referred to collectively as labour market transfer agreements (LMTAs).
With a 2016 federal budget announcement of funding increases for LMTAs, the Federal, Provincial and Territorial Labour Market Ministers launched broad-based stakeholder consultations with the objective of ensuring that the Agreements are responding effectively to labour market priorities. More than 20 federal or provincial/territorial roundtables were held, and more than 70 written submissions received from a range of stakeholders.
A summary of the input received from the 700+ organizations and individuals who participated in the consultations is presented in this report. All are to be commended for taking the time to reflect on their opinions, experiences and share their knowledge. It is important to note that “What We Heard” summarizes their collective input; the 90+ individual roundtable reports and submissions contain much more detailed information than can be included in a high-level summary.
Published: November 2016
Capability: Program Evaluation/ Performance Measurement
Policy Area: Adult Learning - Adult Training, Employment - Employment Supports and Services, Newcomers Labour Market Integration
Population: General Population - Low-skilled Workers
Type: Report