The PACT (Pathway to Apprenticeship Completion) is an important initiative that tests and gathers data on scalable solutions for apprenticeship retention, progression, and completion in British Columbia. Focusing on the needs and experiences of individual apprentices, the project aims to offer services that align with the unique personal and interpersonal factors affecting apprenticeship pathways, with the goal of informing future investments. The current project focuses on Phase 1 pre-implementation activities, focused principally on SRDC’s development of an outcome tracking and evaluation methodology. SRDC is also providing feedback on the partner-developed Theory of Change and key performance indicators, and contributing to a review of services and programs that illustrate emerging best practices. Phase 2 will be focused on implementing the Phase 1 design and corresponding data collection and analysis.
Capability: Program Evaluation/ Performance Measurement - Strategic Program Review
Policy Area: Adult Learning - Adult Training - Workplace Training, Employment - Employment Supports and Services, Post-Secondary Education - Access and Persistence
Population: Low-skilled Workers
This project examines several key questions related to the effectiveness of a pay-for-performance (PFP) funding model in facilitating and incentivizing small- and medium-sized enterprise…
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Read MoreSRDC is working in partnership with SkillPlan, Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium (EMC), and Ontario Tourism Education Corporation (OTEC) to design, implement, and evaluate a…
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