The Canadian Partnership Against Cancer is the steward of the Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control, and works to reduce the burden of cancer on Canadians. In 2017, the Partnership initiated a new program of work to quantify the economic burden of cancer and enhance system capacity for evidence-based decision-making using economic data and methods.
In preparation for developing national estimates on the burden of cancer, the Partnership has engaged SRDC to conduct evidence reviews in three areas: the direct burden of cancer on patients and families/caregivers in terms of direct, out-of-pocket and time costs; the indirect burden in terms of productivity loss; and psychosocial burden such as pain and suffering. In each of these three areas, SRDC is conducting a comprehensive review of the Canadian and international research literature, and developing an inventory of methods and tools used to measure burden and estimate related costs; key informant interviews will supplement knowledge gained from the review.
The results of these three evidence reviews will help identify opportunities to improve decisions for resource allocation and program funding.
Published: December 2018
Capability: Health Economics
Policy Area: Health - Population Health
Population: General Population
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