City of Vancouver Four Pillars Supported Employment Pilot Project - SRDC

City of Vancouver Four Pillars Supported Employment Pilot Project

Authors:Anne MotteMarie-Christine Brault

The City of Vancouver Four Pillars Supported Employment Pilot Project was designed to provide individuals with a supported and gradual return to employment. Operational from April to December 2007, the project created full time equivalent positions were created within the City of Vancouver Waterworks and Sewer Operations.

Four individuals were recruited and shared the two positions; they worked one week and attended training sessions provided by the Hastings Institute on alternate weeks. Individuals were recruited from the Case Coordination Project (CCP), which is located in the Downtown Eastside and managed by Building Opportunities for Business.

To be eligible, individuals had to be in receipt of income assistance, in recovery from drug use, and ready and willing to return to work. SRDC was mandated to evaluate the project, which proved to be a moderate success, with some caveats.

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