Authors:Chloe HalpennySheila CurrieBasia PakulaChloé Poitevin-DesRivières
This project aims to support the entry, retention, and advancement of women in the skilled construction trades. The model will include a series of support services and mentorship opportunities for women seeking or already employed in the skilled trades as well as a number of supports for employers, based on a successful approach used by the Office to Advance Women Apprentices (OAWA) in Newfoundland and Labrador. Services will be provided for at least 750 apprentices and tradeswomen in the provinces of Nova Scotia, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan. The project is being led by Canada’s Building Trades Unions (CBTU), along with their provincial partners, the Office to Advance Women Apprentices and the Social Research and Demonstration Corporation (SRDC).
SRDC will be responsible for the research and evaluation strategy, including an outcomes study to measure the effects of the program on participating women in trades and their employers, as well as an implementation study to explore best practices. The project will run for three and a half years, from December 2018 to May 2022.
Published: April 2022
Capability: Program Evaluation/ Performance Measurement - Strengthening Capacity
Policy Area: Adult Learning - Workplace Training, Employment - Employment Supports and Services - Employment Programs
Population: Women