Building the evidence base about economic, health and social inequities faced by LGBTQ2S+ individuals in Canada: Phase 1 Report - SRDC

Building the evidence base about economic, health and social inequities faced by LGBTQ2S+ individuals in Canada: Phase 1 Report

February 23, 2021


As a group, gender and sexual minorities in Canada – including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and Two-spirit (LGBTQ2S+) identified people – are more likely to live in poverty, face greater barriers to employment, and earn less at work than their cisgender, heterosexual counterparts, in addition to reporting poorer health and social outcomes. As an emerging area of research, significant knowledge gaps remain. In particular, there is a demonstrated need for research that accounts for differential outcomes within the LGBTQ2S+ community, takes an explicitly-intersectional approach, and is interdisciplinary in nature. These gaps are partially explained by the lack of high-quality, population-level data on gender and sexual minorities in the Canadian context.

A report released today documents the Phase 1 findings of the project Economic, health and social inequities faced by LGBTQ2S+ individuals in Canada, funded by Women and Gender Equality Canada and in partnership with Dr. Sean Waite at the University of Western Ontario, Pride at Work Canada, and the Labour Market Information Council. Authored by the SRDC project team and Dr. Sean Waite, the
Phase 1 report communicates the project findings to-date, drawing from grey and peer-reviewed literature, key informant interviews, and a scan of available datasets to begin to describe outcomes and determinants thereof for LGBTQ2S+ individuals in Canada, as well as critically assess the data landscape. Subsequent phases will build on these findings, drawing in quantitative (Phase 2) and qualitative (Phase 3) data and analysis.

Read the report.

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