Child Care Pilot Project reaches recruitment target - SRDC

Child Care Pilot Project reaches recruitment target

October 31, 2007


The Child Care Pilot Project (CCPP), conducted by the Social Research and Demonstration Corporation (SRDC) and financed by Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC), reached the end of its first phase today when it announced that recruitment was finished. This represents a milestone in the life of this important project, which aims to study ways to enhance the school-preparedness of Francophone children living in minority areas throughout Canada.

Children of preschool age were recruited in the six communities participating in the study, over the next several years, their progress will be monitored and analyzed by researchers at the SRDC. The research will allow decision-makers to better target policies towards the Francophone minority sector, which in turn will help the children and their families to overcome the challenges faced by living in predominantly Anglophone environments.

With the recruitment phase finalized, daycare centres and families participating in CCPP now officially begin to implement the project.

Find out more about CCPP here or contact Project Director Louise Legault

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