Skills 4 Life | Students - SRDC


Social Emotional Learning Skills for Career Studies

Welcome to Skills for Life (S4L)

Greetings, Grade 10 students! We are delighted to welcome you to S4L, where you will receive Skills for Life lessons from your teacher. These lessons aim to equip you with skills that will enhance your mental health and well-being.

Currently, our team is evaluating the effectiveness of the program, and we want to know if S4L is helpful and if there are areas that need improvement before it is implemented in schools across the province.

The evaluation will involve two online surveys that are entirely voluntary and confidential.

You will be expected to complete one in October and another in December, and each will take approximately 15-20 minutes. You may also be invited to participate in small-group discussions. There are no right or wrong answers, so please choose the response that resonates with you at the time of the survey.


S4L is designed to help students develop:
More than 5,000 students in Ontario are taking part in this evaluation, and we appreciate everyone’s time and effort. By participating in the evaluation, you will be making a difference to help improve the tools that help students with their mental health. Students taking part in the evaluation will be offered two community service hours in recognition of their time completing the surveys. You can play an important role in helping learn what works when supporting student mental health in schools.
For more information about S4L, please visit:


Get started by sharing the consent form with your parents or guardians


About SRDC – A Project Partner

The Social Research and Demonstration Corporation (SRDC) is a non-profit research organization created specifically to develop, field test, and rigorously evaluate new programs. SRDC's two-part mission is to help policymakers and practitioners identify policies and programs that improve the well-being of all Canadians, with a special concern for the effects on the disadvantaged, and to raise the standards of evidence that are used in assessing these policies.

Since its establishment in December 1991, SRDC has conducted over 450 projects and studies for various federal and provincial departments, municipalities, as well as other public and non-profit organizations. SRDC has offices located in Ottawa and Vancouver and satellite offices in Calgary, Hamilton, Montreal, Regina, Toronto, and Winnipeg. >>> More About SRDC

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