Skills for Life - S4L - SRDC


Social Emotional Learning Skills for Career Studies

What is Skills for Life (S4L)?

Skills for Life (S4L) is a teaching resource designed to support the development of social emotional learning skills in alignment with the Grade 10 Civics and Careers curriculum.

S4L is led by the Social Research and Demonstration Corporation (SRDC) and School Mental Health Ontario (SMHO), an initiative of the Ontario Ministry of Education.

Our previous pilot study of S4L showed highly promising results. Now, we are conducting an Outcome Evaluation in over 30 schools across Ontario in Fall 2023. We believe that the evaluation results will provide invaluable insights for educators. 

Grade 10 students in selected schools will give feedback on S4L via two online surveys. These surveys will check if their knowledge, skills, and attitudes towards positive mental health improve throughout the semester.

In a few schools, we'll have small group discussions with students whose teachers used S4L in Fall 2023. Students will share their experiences and suggest improvements.


S4L focuses on social emotional learning skills such as self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. These skills help students handle the ups and downs of everyday life, especially as they transition out of high school and into post-secondary education, the workforce, or other pathways.


Look out for an email and a brochure about S4L from your child’s school with instructions to complete the online parent consent form. With your consent, your child can participate in the S4L Outcome Evaluation by completing the online surveys. Participating students can earn community service hours and a class prize.


S4L is designed to help students develop:

Our approach to get the best results

  • Grade 10 students in selected schools will give feedback on S4L via two online surveys. These surveys will check if their knowledge, skills, and attitudes towards positive mental health improve throughout the semester.

  • In a few schools, we'll have small group discussions with students whose teachers used S4L in Fall 2023. Students will share their experience and suggest improvements.

  • These surveys and discussions will help us understand how S4L can serve students better. By listening to their feedback, we can create a more effective program that enhances Ontario's youth's well-being.

Do you have any questions or want to learn more about S4L?


About SRDC – A Project Partner

The Social Research and Demonstration Corporation (SRDC) is a non-profit research organization created specifically to develop, field test, and rigorously evaluate new programs. SRDC's two-part mission is to help policymakers and practitioners identify policies and programs that improve the well-being of all Canadians, with a special concern for the effects on the disadvantaged, and to raise the standards of evidence that are used in assessing these policies.

Since its establishment in December 1991, SRDC has conducted over 450 projects and studies for various federal and provincial departments, municipalities, as well as other public and non-profit organizations. SRDC has offices located in Ottawa and Vancouver and satellite offices in Calgary, Hamilton, Montreal, Regina, Toronto, and Winnipeg. >>> More About SRDC

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